From the author of the CCE BootCamp® comes a brand new, specialized training course specific to digital forensic imaging and acquisition. The Digital Forensic Acquisition BootCamp was designed to provide hands-on, first responder practical training on a variety of computer forensic imaging techniques using hand held computer forensics and portable field acquisition tools.
This BootCamp will introduce a new examiner to the critical concepts and processes of first responder responsibilities and forensic imaging that can make or break a digital forensic examination. It will also provide an experienced examiner a chance to validate and build his or her own portable field acquisition processing unit and review key first responder and acquisition concepts, all for the cost of tuition.
During the Digital Forensic Acquisition BootCamp, each student hand builds a state of the art, portable field acquisition processing unit. As this unit is built, instruction on how to validate each hardware component is provided by a highly skilled and experienced Key Computer Service instructor. After the 3 day classroom instruction, each student takes with them the machine they built, providing them a job ready, professional imaging machine. In future cases, students will be able to testify to the build and validation of their processing equipment because they built it. This is a critical component to any digital forensic litigation process. These valuable skills can be directly applied to future critical acquisition scenarios in the real world.
The Digital Forensic Acquisition BootCamp is a great complement to the Key Computer Service CCE BootCamp® which focuses on analysis of the data you collect in this bootcamp.
Important instruction will also be provided on:
- Imaging Devices such as Logicube, Voom and Tableau
- Cloning Devices such as Logicube, Voom and Tableau
- Imaging and Cloning software using Linux and Windows
- Hardware Write Blocking Technologies and Techniques
- Authenticating/Validating Images and Image Sets
Primary learning objectives for this course include: Instruction on building a portable field acquisition processing unit, instruction on industry standard protocols for forensic digital media processing, instruction on key first responder prototol, and instruction on ensuring all digital output is forensically sound and prepared in a way that it is admissible in court.
Students will:
- Discuss and practice imaging basics
- Inventory equipment
- Build a portable field acquisition unit
- Install Windows XP Professional
- Test student-built acquistion unit and all ports (USB / Firewire / SATA). Performing this hands-on equipment validation will be essential when using this machine in conjunction with any future expert witness testimony
- Be introduced to SMART Linux, Ubuntu Linux, FTK Imager and Analysis
- Test devices and ports with SMART Linux
- Learn critical imaging and cloning procedures
- Practice hard drive sterilization, restoration and validation
The following components are provided to build the portable field acquisition processing units that every student will take home:
- Chassis with 400-500 watt power supply
- 17” Monitor
- Motherboard
- AMD Duo Core Processor
- IDE Hard drive
- Two 1 GB memory modules
- DVD R/W optical drive
- SATA Dock Removal Drive Bay
- Firewire 800 USB combo card
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional
- Mouse and keyboard
- Toolkit
- Anti-static wristband
Presently, this course is being offered for $2995.00 USD. This price includes 3 day classroom instruction, all printed materials (manuals and CDs), as well as all previously stated hardware components necessary to build your new forensic acquisition unit.
The currently scheduled Digital Forensics Acquisition Bootcamp dates and locations are: